Week 9 (March 2): Prostitution

This week we took into account our discussion of pornography last week and reflected on how we define sexual ethics thus far.

I define sexual ethics as the rules governing what is considered safe sex that has the consent of the people involved. Consent is a really big issue for me because without it I think any sexual act is morally wrong. If the people engaged in a sexual act are consenting adults, than I think what they do behind closed doors is ok. The issue was brought up in class regarding whether or not a person giving consent is actually giving consent or just conforming because he/she felt the pressure or obligated/forced to. In regards to this then I don’t think that consent holds up if it is just given by someone who doesn’t really want to be involved.

When it comes to a women objectifying herself or being objectified I think there is a big difference between being objectified and just having fun/doing what they want, e.g. females that wear makeup – I think that wearing make up is 100% ok and is not objectifying to a women in any way. For me personally, I want to look good and feel good about myself and I think it would be worse for people not to care about their looks just because some people thing it is objectifying women.

When it comes to porn, I also think that it is up to the individual partaking in it to define if it is ethical for that particular individual. I still don’t know how I feel about prostitution; however I am leaning more towards the unethical side because I consider it to be very dangerous even if it involves consent because of the context.

Below is a new concept map that I have made based on my thoughts above: (click to make larger)

We also talked about prostitution this week. I found a video on you tube that is a short clip on interviews with prostitutes. The video portrays them in a very negative light. A lot of the prostitutes mentioned that they were very lonely, and that they sold their bodies for money to buy drugs. I don’t think prostitution is any solution for these problems. It is very dangerous and it is a very unethical concept. It is really sad because some of the prostitutes in the video mention that even if it feels good sometimes; they always feel disgusting about themselves after. The prostitutes also talk about the danger of being a prostitute, one even mentions getting punched so hard in the face she thought her jaw was broken. All three women in the video have experienced rape. Everything to do with prostitution I find so unethical and so dangerous to the women both physically and mentally. It is hard to think that this actually happens in the real world. I think there should be an end to it all.

Below is a link to the video on you tube.
